To be able to say "I enjoy cleaning bathrooms" and say it honestly, requires an unusually high level of enjoyment for housework and cleaning, and/or may be a call for help for therapy for some form of obsessive/compulsive disorder.
Apart from being a rather grueling and unpleasant task, bathroom cleaning may also be putting ones health at risk. In this "Quick and Easy Spray and Wipe" world that we are living in, we should really take a closer examination on what we so casually spray and wipe when we clean our shower tiles, and the grout between them. Simply reading the ingredients is enough to give one a headache. Can anyone even pronounce all of the names of the chemical ingredients correctly?
One instruction may be found on the back of all of these convenient cleaning solutions that we happily buy each week. This instruction is "Use in well ventilated areas". There is a very good reason for this. As one sprays and wipes, one is inhaling all of the unpronounceable chemicals into ones lungs for circulation throughout our bodies. It is unbelievably scary to consider how much chemicals we have inhaled and sent rushing around our bodies to possible cause cell mutation, respiratory issues, and whatever other damage possible. Additionally, how many bathrooms are actually well ventilated? A window
and/or a fan is hardly considered well ventilated. Opening the doors and windows and turning on the fan only realistically achieves one goal. Instead of inhaling concentrated amounts of the cleaning chemicals, we are releasing them throughout our homes and environment to mix with the air and other chemicals.
Here are some recommendations for banishing those cleaning
bathroom blues with green, as well as for making the cleaning job an easier one. Your supplies needed are some baking soda, white vinegar, a sponge, liquid detergent, some salt, a scrubbing brush with a long handle, an old toothbrush, cleaning rags, cleaning gloves, lime juice, a cleaning bucket, some newspaper, and an empty spray bottle.
Cleaning with white vinegar is one of the best ways to avoid using harsh chemical cleaners. White vinegar kills most mold, bacteria and germs. After filling the spray bottle with white vinegar, spray all taps, faucets, drains, the toilet seats as well as the base, and the shower head with the vinegar and let it sit. White vinegar also loosens the sediment that builds up from the 'clean water' that flows from the taps, so Spray generously. Pour about quarter of a small box of baking soda in the bowl of the toilet, along with a generous amount of vinegar, and some lime juice and let that sit while you tackle the bath and/or shower.
Make your own scouring cleanser by combining 1/4 cup baking soda with 1 tablespoon liquid detergent. Add just enough white distilled vinegar to give it a thick but creamy texture. With the long handled scrubbing brush, give the bath and the shower tiles a good old fashioned scrub. After rinsing away the scouring cleanser, make a paste using
using one part salt, one part vinegar, and one part baking soda. Apply this paste with the toothbrush to all of the grout that looks like it needs sprucing up, and leave the paste on the grout.
Using your homemade scouring cleanser, clean the basin with a sponge or a rag. Never use white distilled vinegar on marble. The acid can damage the surface. Using the toothbrush, scrub all the places where water sediment had accumulated. This sediment will come off quite easily as the vinegar will have worked its magic.
Kill germs on the cabinets, walls, and floorboards with a spray of full-strength white distilled vinegar. Wipe clean with a damp cloth.
Keeping the drains clog free is always a good idea, and so pour some baking soda down the drains followed up with vinegar that has been heated. The fizzing action alone is enough to ensure anyone that some serious 'anti-clogging' action is taking place. While the fizz action is taking place, revisit the bathroom wall tiles, and using the toothbrush, give a quick scrub in the areas where the homemade paste had been applied.
Give the toilet your full attention starting off by using the toilet brush and to scrub the bowl and under the rim of the toilet with the vinegar, lime and baking powder solution. Wash the entire toilet with liquid detergent and then pour some white vinegar on the rag, and wipe the toilet down with the vinegar.
Rinse the bath and/or shower tiles of any paste. Wet a rag with vinegar and give a quick wipe over the tiles and the faucets with the rag to give a sparkling shine.
Spray any mirrors with the vinegar in the spray bottle, and using the newspaper, clean the mirrors. Not only will they be squeaky clean, but they will have a brilliant shine.
Flush the toilet and then pour some lime juice into the toilet bowl, and a little into any drains. This will leave your bathroom with a great fragrance.
Fill your bucket with approximately a gallon of water, three teaspoons of liquid detergent and the remains of any vinegar left in the spray bottle. If there is not much left, then just add some vinegar directly to the bucket. Using a mop, clean the floor of the bathroom working your way towards the bathroom door as you clean.