Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Happy Birthday to the Honourable Nelson Mandela.

Nelson Mandela: - A man who showed us that huge wars may be won with endurance, peace, love, and humility. A man for all seasons - a man for all time. He earned the respect of the very ones who imprisoned him. Truly, he is Blessed.
On the anniversary of the day that Nelson Mandela was born, let us reflect and remember that year after year it was us that received the presents from Mandela's prescence in his tiny cell. With absolute and utmost respect, Happy Birthday to the Honourable Nelson Mandela.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Imagine a Man ......

Imagine a man who once said " Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement". Yet imagine that this same man spent twenty seven years in captivity in a small cell, for expressing and trying to implement his the belief and conviction that all people should be equally free; expressing this as a black man living in an apartheid country, the country that he was born and raised in, South Africa.

Imagine a man who said " No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite." Yet, imagine that this man  spent twenty seven years in solitary confinement  with his mind for his companion, and his clean conscience and positive and enlightening thoughts for his guide.  Imagine this man spending his days doing hard labor in the lime quarry on Robben Island.

Imagine a man who had been a lawyer, a freedom fighter, a political prisoner; a wise man who never compromised his own integrity, morals, or values; a peacemaker, a visionary; and an honest, humble, and giving man. Imagine a man who remains without resentment of all the indignity and hardship he has had to endure, and  has risen above all that he suffered through. Imagine this same man saying:
" Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies."

Imagine a man who, in is younger days was was an activist against apartheid. Apartheid is an unjust form of segregation, that enforced discrimination against black people in law, politics and society. Imagine a man who, in 1962, was arrested and convicted for his activism against apartheid. Imagine this man spent 27 years in jail off the coast of South Africa on Robben Island imprisoned in a small cell away from his family, friends, and all he knew.  Imagine that this man was only allowed one visit and one letter every six months. Imagine that this same man won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 and is still very respected and honoured by the  people of South Africa, and many people worldwide. Imagine that this man, over the last four decades, has won over 250 awards.

Imagine this man saying the following:
"That was one of the things that worried me – to be raised to the position of a semi-god – because then you are no longer a human being. I wanted to be known as Mandela, a man with weaknesses, some of which are fundamental, and a man who is committed, but never the less, sometimes he fails to live up to expectations."

Imagine that this man whilst still  in prison  undertook study with the University of London by correspondence through its External Programme and received the degree of Bachelor of Laws.

Imagine this same man being the President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. Imagine that following his release from prison on 11 February 1990, this man led his party in the negotiations that led to multi-racial democracy in 1994. Imagining all of these things, one can only imagine that this man had to be an exemplary good leader and a symbol of hope for the people of South Africa as well as the world.
Imagine that this man actually exists, and all that you have read above as requests to let your imagination explore the possibilities of such a man existing are factual, and this one man carried out and endured all that you have read, and much more.

Rolihlahla Mandela was born in Mvezo, a village near Mthatha in the Transkei, on July 18, 1918, to his parents Nonqaphi Nosekeni and Henry Mgadla Mandela. After his father’s death in 1927, the young Rolihlahla became the ward of Jongintaba Dalindyebo.  Dalindyebo was the Paramount Chief, and his plan was to groom  Rolihlahla Mandela for a position in high office. Rolihlahla Mandela  received a primary education at a local mission school, where he was given the name Nelson. He then became known as Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.


Mandela Day on 18 July is an annual international day adopted by the United Nations. Individuals, communities and organisations are asked to donate 67 minutes to doing something for others, commemorating the 67 years that Nelson Mandela gave to the struggle for social justice.

“Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success.” — Nelson Mandela, 17 December 2009

“Our most valued treasure is our people, especially the youth.” — Nelson Mandela, 20 February 1997

“A happy family life is an important pillar to any public man.” — Nelson Mandela, 6 May 1979

“It would be an exaggeration to say I never become depressed.” — Nelson Mandela, 1993

“When people are determined they can overcome anything.” — Nelson Mandela,14 November 2006

“The freedom we enjoy is a richly textured gift handcrafted by ordinary folk.” — Nelson Mandela, 11 July 1996

“The real meaning of the spoken word has to be demonstrated by practical deeds.” — Nelson Mandela, 7 June 1990

“It is never my custom to use words lightly. If twenty-seven years in prison have done anything to us, it was to use the silence of solitude to make us understand how precious words are and how real speech is in its impact on the way people live and die.”

— Nelson Mandela, Closing Address 13th International Aids Conference, Durban, South Africa, 14 July 2000.

“It is in your hands to make of our world a better one for all.”
— Nelson Mandela, 25 June 2008


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Taking Kindness For Weakness.

I have come to the conclusion that chivalry is dead, morality is in line on the cliff to take it's suicidal plunge, and that people who repeatedly perform acts of kindness including forgiving transgressions against them are perceived to be the weakest of human beings, and are treated accordingly.

The Bible, along with other religious books of guidance, instructs us to be kind, to forgive, and to be selfless. It would be interesting to see how many of us actually read these books, and of those that do, actually try to practice their teachings. For those of us who love others, it is only natural to extend kindness to those we love, for instance your brother, friend, spouse, child, or neighbor.  In the same manner that the fact that one loves someone else does not obligate that person to return that love, it is also fair to acknowledge that if kindness is extended towards someone, they are not under any obligation to return that kindness. However, to continuously seek and drain a person of acts of kindness under the façade of  friendship, kin, spouse, or other reason is a self-serving act of cruelty, and demonstrates that the perpetrator is under the impression that the kind person is extremely weak.

It takes a very strong person to repeatedly extend kindness towards someone, or practice deeds and acts of kindness, with rejection and / or rebuttal being their only apparent reward.  What those who mistakenly assume that kindness is a weakness fail to realize is that not only are the kind people that walk amongst us incredibly strong, but they are indeed, extremely Blessed.




Sunday, July 3, 2011

What Happened?

How many times in our lives have we asked ourselves "How could he/she do this to me? Does the question "How could he/she be so cold/cruel/callous?" Sound familiar?

It takes courage and strength to journey back to that place in time and recognize the actual circumstances of the situation at that time. Experience teaches wisdom, and so a personal recommendation would be to take that journey as soon as possible, but only when one can put aside the emotional hurt that may cloud the actual facts.

The question one must ask and literally write the answer to is "What really happened?" The recommendation to committing the answer to paper is critical to this process. Tossing the answers around in one's brain, and critiquing them constantly is going to do more damage than good. This is a method that could prove to be unending, emotionally disturbing, and may prevent proper focus on the many other tasks that are required of us as we live our lives. If one has ever asked the questions that were in the opening paragraph of this writing, then it is fair to say that one has already agonized too much about an incident that one had no control over.

The main objective here is to focus entirely on the task at hand, and spend nothing short of the required time necessary to complete the task. This written statement of the facts must be edited and re-edited until the paper bears the facts and only the facts, as well as the truth and only the truth. One may find it necessary to take breaks of days or weeks between the editing and revision of each draft, but it is important that this writing is reviewed and edited until it is completely ensured that this is an entirely factual document that is completely devoid of emotion, lies, speculations, explanations, and assumptions. It is absolutely necessary that an exact and accurate description of what actually occurred has been composed and completed.

The incident itself, and the time frame over which the incident occurred are both irrelevant factors. Your question asked "How could he/she do this to me?" could have been a reaction to a spurned invitation to dinner, or it could be a reaction to a bitter divorce from a five year marriage, or a twenty-five year marriage. The incident itself does not matter. The hurt you experienced and perhaps still do experience is what matters. Your documentation of the facts has no required length. The only requirement is that all of the facts that occurred and only the facts that occurred are documented. A three paragraph paper on a twenty five year marriage that ended in divorce is no less detailed or important as a twenty page document on a three day weekend that you thought was the beginning of the living life happily ever after with the man of your dreams, and instead was a non-committal but fun and enjoyable weekend spent together by two people. Again, the only requirement for this document is that it contains only the facts. If she picked you up at 5:17 pm instead of 4:30pm and you wish to include this in your document that is fine. Any speculation on the reason for the delay, or speculation on what this delay should have demonstrated to you is taboo and must be deleted for the reason that only the actual facts that occurred are allowed in this document.

At this time, we are now free of the need or desire to speculate on what happened or what could have happened. Remember, we took a journey back to this time. It has already happened and nothing can change what happened. Our emotions, our mistakes, our unfulfilled hopes and dreams, our hurt, and anything else that we generated out of this occurrence in our life will not change anything about what actually happened. Most importantly, we have eradicated all of our numerous perceptions of what happened, and we have a self documented factual document to refer to as to what actually happened. We have removed all the emotion, speculation, and attachment to the occurrence.  This document now contains all we need to remember about the incident.   


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

One thing for sure, he will plot no more.

There has been a lot of Monday Night Footballing regarding the death and burial of the deceased self-proclaimed terrorist who as it was reported, was killed while sheltered in his well protected hideout in Pakistan. The actual burial of this man's body has been the topic of many discussions, and fodder for speculation that there is more to this than meets the eye. As far as the burial goes, I am not sure how else the matter could have been handled any better than it was.

To the best of my knowledge, it is Islamic tradition to clean the deceased, wrap their body in white cloths, and bury them in a pine box within twenty four hours of their death. This deceased man made himself a man without a country, thus where would he be buried in the ground within twenty four hours?

A burial is not symbolic of the conscience of the deceased. A burial is performed for the living and not for the dead. A simple pine box containing the cleansed body of the deceased wrapped in simple white cloths is a very practical burial; especially compared to the other somewhat complex funeral preparations and elaborate funeral caskets that are placed in the ground to rot.

This deceased man loudly proclaimed himself to be a Muslim, and thus it was fitting, considerate, and respectful to people of the Islamic Faith that, despite the sentiments towards this deceased man, and despite this deceased man's horrible actions made while he was living, his body was given a burial as close as possible to a traditional Islamic burial. In my humble opinion, this was a very respectable thing to do, and is respectable to all of the Islamic Faith. Again, we must remember that in actuality, a burial is for the living and not for the dead. This deceased man was not the one being respected. Respect was given to the religious traditions of Islam, and all Muslims worldwide, for that is their religion.

Burial at sea comes with the advantage that the Fundamentalist Muslims would not be able to make the burial place into a shrine of some sorts. A shrine, or some location that could be regularly visited could and most like would incite and evoke the radical emotions of the delusional followers of this deceased man even higher than they currently exist.

Speculation and conspiracy theories will always abound. Here are two facts as they have been presented to us.
1. The man is dead.
2. The deceased man was given a respectable Islamic burial by the American authorities and American people involved.
Until something else is proven to me, I am going to accept these two facts as solid facts, and know that this deceased man will never plot another act of terrorism again.

Good night world. Sleep well.

YMH Gifts

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Waiting For A Wake-Up Call?

Caught up in a self proclaimed relationship, and so overwhelmed and confused, that you do not know whether you are coming or going? Are you waiting for a wake-up call which will clearly delineate to you which side of the fence you are sitting on? Are you waiting for a reality check to mysteriously appear out of nowhere and embed itself into your brain so that you can formulate a plan to make a decision?

 If you answered "Yes" to any one of these question, then you have already had your first wake up call. You just did not answer it as you did not want to know the truth. If you have reached this stage in your "relationship", then there is no need for any more calls, signs, divine interventions, or anything else. Not only is your relationship over, but, brace yourself, it never started.

Friend, you have been suckered and now you have been sucker punched. To entertain the thought of being embarrassed is ridiculous, for you should be proud. You went into what you were made to believe was a relationship with the very best of intentions and emotions. The little worm that you entered into the relationship with should be ashamed, but they will never be, for emotional feelings are foreign to them. Take heart in knowing that you are not alone. Many have trodden on this thorny path, and sadly, many more will lift the barbed wire fence and take this prickly path too.

When you feel that you are not appreciated at all, but instead feel you are being punished for the problems of the other, then acknowledge the hurt, but also fully accept and be cognizant of the realization that indeed you are correct and you are being unrighteously punished, and understand that this is abuse. Be it verbal or be it silence, it is abuse. The one who plays the victim, and then delivers their punishment to you is the abuser and you have taken on the role of victim. You are choosing to carry their burdens as well as your own. If you do not heed this feeling, then you just missed yet another wake-up call.

One of the meanest forms of cruelty is indifference. Even if the indifference is feigned, it is still cruel to subject you to the pain of feeling that your emotions have no bearing or effect on their life. This cruelty will lead you to begin to blame yourself, and you will search for anything that you may have said or done, no matter how trivial, as a justification of the cruelty you are being subjected to. Throughout the pain, the shock, the disbelief, and the total inability to understand what is happening, you will torture your own mind to find a justification for this treatment. Why are you searching your mind? The answer is simple. It is because you are unable to probe into the other person's mind. Due to the mere fact that we are taught by life that everything must have a logical explanation, we struggle to find one. Abuse and human behavior need no logical explanation, and a good portion of human behavior never will have any explanation related to logical behavior. So is this your answer? Should you accept indifference with all of its pain because there is no rhyme or reason for it? No, not at all. This is yet another wake up call. You should really perhaps heed this one, for it may be the last one that is given before you are too trapped in the web of abuse to escape it. Your abuser's insanity will replace any capability of reasoning that you have left, and before you know it, the ticking will have stopped, and the clock will be broken. Do not put these wakeup calls on "Snooze". Too soon, the alarms will no longer go off, and your dreams will have become a seemingly endless living nightmare.

Answer the first wakeup call that you recognize, compose yourself, and leave. Close the door on this chapter of your life. The rest of the book is still waiting to be written, and you are the author.



Saturday, February 12, 2011

Graduation Letter to My Son

(Please note that this letter was written in May 2010, and was published in the 2010 Faith Christian Academy School Yearbook.)

Dearest Dominic,

Even before you were born I knew that you were destined for greatness: To be a great person who will achieve many great accomplishments, and make great changes in the lives of many people. You have never proven me wrong, and you have certainly made my life a great one, full of happiness, pride, love and joy. You are a gift from God to me and to everyone around you.

Dominic, you and I have always been a great team; from the day you were born and named Aaaqil, until today, when you have recently changed your name to Dominic. Both of these names are lovely, but I think I prefer your choice of Dominic which means “Of the Lord”. Dominic, you and I are a family, a small one maybe, but with all of the love, praying, strength, happiness, caring, productivity, efforts, joy, hard work, fun times together, (even the Back to the Future Ride where I had to close my eyes each and every time), trials we have faced together, enormous Blessings from God that we have received together, sicknesses where we have taken care of each other, disappointments in friends, all of the life learning experiences, all of the temporary obstacles which we made into stepping stones, all of our disagreements along with our agreements, the everyday ups and downs, we are actually an extremely large family in all that we have faced, achieved, conquered, and held onto our Faith and let God sail us through the storms to calm peaceful waters.

Son, you are enormous. You are my motivation, my inspiration, and my strength. In my recent emotional roller coaster you took such great care of me, and really proved your love and devotion to your Mother, and I have never been happier. I realize that you will make a fantastic husband and a wonderful father. I would encourage you to start speaking with your friends about your beliefs and feelings about the role of the husband and the father in the family, as although you have not yet experienced these roles, the high ideals that you have need to be passed around as inspiration for others. More than the best team member one could hope for, you are the best family member one could ever dream of having, and you are my everyday joy and happiness, as well as my comfort and strength; and, as well as being my son who I could never be more prouder of, you are my very best friend.

Son, for a time in your life you were searching for something you thought that you were missing in your life. It pained me to watch you searching, but I knew you would find the answer soon, and I knew you would find the correct answer. With God’s help you soon realized that what you were searching for is right there inside of you. With that realization, you are able to fully enjoy life, and realize that you are very Blessed, and knowing this has made my happiness complete.

Dominic, my son, you are in control of your life, and you must remember that every single choice you make will determine the way that your life will be. Never forget this, and always think carefully and make the right choices. Never be spontaneous whenever it comes to making choices regarding your life. God will always guide you, but you must remain in constant communication with Him; and always stay aware of God, and be open and clear headed to receive His messages; and you will never miss or ignore any of God’s messages signs and directions for you.

As you begin a new chapter in your life, always remember not to dwell in the past but to learn from the past. Always remember to stay focused on your present and your future; and to live and enjoy each day to the fullest. Fill each day with love and laughter, pleasant and happy thoughts, kind words, and kind deeds, and always remember to give thanks to God for everything.

Always speak your truth clearly, and always speak up for yourself, for as you have experienced, people are only too happy for you to take the blame for them. By not defending yourself you will be given the blame. Adhere to what you believe in and what you know to be right. Never let anyone or anything convince you to detour from the right path, not even for a second. Always be a leader and not a follower, and always lead in the right direction. There will often be times when you will lead and no one will follow. As long as you have made the right choices, and are leading on the right path and in the right direction, do not dismay. Keep on leading, and do not look back or slow down son, but continue moving forward and rising upward.

Dominic, you are an intelligent, analytical, caring, and fine young man who is destined to accomplish much, and affect many lives positively. Let nothing or no one deter you from this destiny. As I have told you so many times, not everyone who claims to be your friend really is one. Friends prove themselves by their actions and not their words. Sadly, many so called friends will envy you and try to pull you down to their level. These are the people that you must immediately cut yourself off from, and you can teach them by example, but do not befriend them as they will be like an anchor around your neck, pulling you down into the quicksand of their own idle and non- productive lives. Some of them will seek to ruin you for the simple fact that you are successful. Hopefully, you can make a positive difference in the way these people think, but teach them from afar, way afar.

Do not be easily tempted. Temptation and the Devil disguise themselves well, and most attractively. Temptations will be everywhere but keep your head to the sky. Ignore all temptations no matter how enticing they may appear to be. Walk with God and in times of need reach out for God and ask Him for His help, and God will take your hand, and He will guide you and protect you. Always keep praying to God, and keep in constant communication with him through prayers, talking to Him, and reading about Him. God has great plans for you Dominic W. Dowe. Do not let anyone or anything prevent you from accomplishing all that you have been called to do.

My son, every day of my life has been filled with the pleasures of love, joy, happiness and pride ever since October 23rd, 1991 at 8:41pm, when you my precious treasure were born. I will always be in your corner, on your side, and there for you, just as I have always been. Dominic, you are such a wonderful person, and you will always have my love, respect and pride. Apart from God, you are, have always been, and will always be, first and foremost in my life. More than anything else, I wish for you the very best of God’s richest blessings. God has truly blessed me as I have been, and will always and forever be your mother which is indeed a great honor.

Congratulations on all of the achievements and accomplishments you have made so far. I know you have many, many more to attain. This is just one chapter of your life that is closing with your graduation from high school at Faith Christian Academy. Both you and I will remain forever grateful to Faith Christian Academy for their contributions in shaping you into the fine young man you are today.

Congratulations Dominic W. Dowe, High School Graduate Year 2010.

Loving you immensely and always, with great pride, happiness and joy.

With all the love possible, for always and forever,

Love, Mom.


Friday, February 11, 2011

The Innate Desire

Despite any attempts at denial or ignoring the facts, the average person has this constant need to love and be loved. This need drives us all to perform acts that range from the remarkably incredible to the ridiculously insane.

In our quest for love, many mistakes, and often some extremely poor choices are made.  Some wonder how others are so fortunate to have found the love that they wanted so quickly, and are so happy with loving and being loved.  Meanwhile, the apparently less fortunate are desperately seeking this love.  These people know what they want, and as time passes and as yet another relationship fails, the desperation increases, and the bar is lowered yet another notch. Fevered by the knowledge that someone out there in this world there is the right love just waiting for us to find it, we charge relentlessly through each day, wishing that all these people we know and / or encounter would just stop taking up time with their advice, and concern about us, for we are on a mission. We are searching for love.

Attention. Danger Alert. Quit. Halt. Cease and Desist. Code Red. Code Something Stop.


Simply Breathe. Focus on nothing else but your breathing. Isn't amazing?  Through thick, and thin, through good and bad, through happy and sad, we are always breathing.  Chances are we are taking shallow breaths and not allowing ourselves to savour and enjoy each breath we take. Regardless, we are breathing.

Allow yourself to indulge in a five minute treat.  Find an environment where you are not responsible for any action or thought and escape to that environment  for a few minutes.  Driving in traffic is not such an environment. Ideally, it should be one outside where you can witness nature and creation.  However, a closed room will also suffice.  After all, you are nature and creation.

For five long minutes focus entirely on your breathing. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Slowly inhale as much as air as possible and imagine the ogxygen flowing throughout your body, to every single blood cell in your body.  For a moment hold that breath as you imagine that this simple act is giving every single cell the oxygen it needs.  Exhale slowly and recognize the fact that you are expelling the carbon dioxide from all of the blood cells in your body.  Entertain the thought that as important as this act of breathing is, perhaps the process could be enhanced somewhat by ensuring that each inhalation and each exhalation is performed deeply and methodically.  Continue maximizing the breathing process for as long as possible. 

The simple but important act of breathing is the essence of life itself.  Becoming aware of the pleasure and relaxation gained by an increased focus and an increased intensity on breathing should trigger an entire thought process.   Interject one fact into that thought process.  This fact is that every single person who is alive engages in the same act of breathing.  With the exception of those people on respirators and breathing aids, breathing is such a natural and simple act for people.  Yet this act is one of the most important acts necessary for existence.  Incidentally, the majority of people who are currently utilising methods of assistance in their breathing, normally breathe naturally.  Certain circumstances require that they use 'methods of assistance'.  These methods may be temporary or permanent. 

Maximizing the intensity of one's breath is an act of love that one performs for one's self.  With relatively few exceptions, each person is capable of performing this act of love.  Breathing and loving come easily and naturally.  We were all born to breathe and love. That was and is our Creator's intention.  The Creator also gave human beings the freedom and the will to make choices.  As a result of making poor choices, we sometimes rob ourselves and / or others of the ability to breathe and the ability to love.  Apart from that, we all have within us the embedded and natural instincts to breathe and to love.

We were all created in love.  God, our Creator created us in love.  Our guardians, our environment, our choices, our perceptions, our thoughts, and our fears added everything else that constitutes us as a Human Being.  The love is still there, and will always be there.  We may have tried to kill it, hide it, bury it, build walls of steel around it, drown it, or ignore it, but the love is there and will always be there.

Before we go "searching for love in and from others" we need to find the love within ourselves, and study it and nurture it until it is as close to it's original state of unconditional love as it can possibly be.  During this process, we will not only resurrect the unconditional love that we were born with, but we will also satisfy our need to love and be loved, as we will love ourselves. 

Love begets love.  Once we have restored and reclaimed our own unconditional and individual love, then we will be ready and prepared to love, and to embrace others with love.  It will happen naturally.  We will love all beings, not just one individual who we hope is our "soulmate".  That too will happen.  When we truly know and give love, we will be able to recognize  and accept the love that is extended towards us.

Tearing down our self erected walls, and discarding all of the defense mechanisms that we have accumulated and harbored over the years may appear to be a very daunting process, but it is not.  It is a necessary process to return us to the complete and beautiful state of love that we were born into.  The more we carry out this renovation is the easier that it becomes. 

Breathing and loving are both processes that we were created to do naturally.

So Exhale .....

Begin .....

And Enjoy.



Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dr. Maya Angelou's Autobiographical Approach Part I.

When the book called I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou was published, Maya Angelou was one of the first African American women who had actually put her pen to paper and committed to record a public exposure of her personal life. Her work is often described as autobiographical fiction, and includes a series of six autobiographical volumes, which focus on her childhood and early adult experiences. The first and most highly acclaimed, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings which was published in 1969, describes the first seventeen years of her life. It brought her international recognition, and was nominated for a National Book Award. Incidentally, Maya Angelou is no stranger to awards, and has been awarded over thirty honorary degrees and was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for her 1971 volume of poetry; Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water 'Fore I Die.

Dr. Maya Angelou  wrote five additional books which carry on this autobiographical documentation. She revamped the standard structure of an autobiography. Her autobiographical books are centered on identity, racism, and family. They have been used as text books in schools and universities both in North America and internationally. However, some of her work has been deemed controversial and has been challenged and/or banned in US schools and libraries. Regardless, Dr. Maya Angelou’s autobiographical works have a very important seat at the table of African American personal narratives, and they continue to be showered with praises for their honesty and continuous underlying dignity. Maya Angelou is not only dedicated to the art of autobiography but is also an accomplished poet, author, and dramatist.

On a very personal note, as an author, poet, African American, woman, and person, Dr. Maya Angelou is someone who I hold in the highest of esteem, have great admiration for, and cherish deeply. Her pride is mine, just as her tears and fears of her past are as well. I shall not reach anywhere near the high standard that she has set academically and with her accomplishments; but she has certainly inspired me to look up to the bar that she has set, and aspire to pull myself up towards it. Maya Angelou is my personal heroine, and although I am invisible and unknown to her, through her words and her works she has become a heavily influential mentor of mine.

Thank you Dr. Maya Angelou.

I know why the caged bird sings
by Maya Angelou

A free bird leaps on the back
Of the wind and floats downstream
Till the current ends and dips his wing
In the orange sun’s rays
And dares to claim the sky.

But a bird that stalks down his narrow cage
Can seldom see through his bars of rage
His wings are clipped and his feet are tie
So he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings with a fearful trill
Of things unknown but longed for still
And his tune is heard on the distant hill for
The caged bird sings of freedom.

The free bird thinks of another breeze
And the trade winds soft through
The sighing trees
And the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright
Lawn and he names the sky his own.

But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
His shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
His wings are clipped and his feet are tied
So he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings with
A fearful trill of things unknown
But longed for still and his
Tune is heard on the distant hill
For the caged bird sings of freedom.



Friday, February 4, 2011

Looking for Evidence of Past Life On Mars.

Relatively recently, there was research and study performed which determined that Mars is a planet that might have been habitable.  As with any research, sufficient funds and other resources were allocated to the subject.  In the case of the obviously required amount of research as well as the technology involved, it would be safe to say that the funding for this project was in the range of millions of dollars.  An interesting sentence was stated as part of the result of the study, and I quote: "The study does not offer actual evidence of past life; rather, it suggests a place that might have been habitable." Pardon my ignorance, but what am I missing here?

Color me stupid, but I am unable to comprehend HOW the 'need' to go searching for the possibility of past life on other planets supersedes the need to improve the quality of life on Planet Earth where we KNOW life exists, AND we have evidence of the daily suffering of the lives of many. This suffering ranges from poverty, to genocide, to torture, to the casualties of war, to afflictions from curable and incurable diseases, and also goes way and beyond that mentioned here.

Please again read the quotation as taken from an article on the results of the study: "The study does not offer actual evidence of past life; rather, it suggests a place that might have been habitable." What is the significance of this in relation to the vast problems that exist on this Earth where the majority of the population is negatively affected by the environment, cancer causing agents, diseases and so many other factors?

At some point in the future, when every one of our brothers and sisters worldwide are living in a life of peace, and are all well fed and clothed, have appropriate shelter, and have equal rights and access to a decent way of life, a good education, equal opportunities, have the right to openly practice their religion of choice, have affordable access to proper healthcare, and the addictions to drugs, alcohol, violent behavior, gambling, and the rest on that long 'addictive' list is naught but a distant memory, corruption has been eradicated, those with mental and physical afflictions have been properly treated, and all of the solvable problems have had solutions applied to them, THEN maybe it might be interesting to scour the Universe to see if there are places that MAY have been habitable.

An extremely sad thought for contemplation is will there ever be a time when the needs of people who are worse off than others will be considered as important needs. Will priority ever be given to these needs? Where is the love of the people who make the decisions for what become our priorities? Where is the love for our fellow human beings?

Where is the love?